Centropa News

  • Centropa Summer Academy 2018 - megnyílt a jelentkezés!

    7 nap, 70 tanár 18 országból - Európából, az Egyesült Államokból és Izraelből - és egy nagyszerű város - Berlin! Ez nem más, mint a Centropa Summer Academy (CSA), mely idén 12. alkalommal kerül megrendezésre július 5 és 12 között. A CSA során felfedezzük Berlin történelmét és a városhoz kapcsolódó...
  • Application to the Centropa Summer Academy 2018 is now open!

    7 days, 70 educators from 18 countries from Europe, US and Israel, and the magnificent city of Berlin - what is it? It is the 12th Centropa Summer Academy, taking place between 5-12 July, 2018. Don't miss this opportunity, apply now! Application is open until the 31st of March. All...

    Centropa seminar in Columbia, South Carolina

    Educators in South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia were invited to join us at our seminar at the University of South Carolina, 16-18 February. More than 30 teachers came together to learn how to use Centropa’s stories of 20th century Central European Jewish life to teach history, ELA, social studies...

    Szeminárium Győrött

    2018. február 2-4 közt szemiáirumot tartottunk Győrött a Kossuth Zsuzsa Kollégiumban 25 pedagógusnak. Az akkreditált képzés során bemutattuk oktatási anyagainkat, alkalmazott módszereket, valamint partner pedagógusaink segítségével bevált jógyakorlatokat. Bemutattuk nem pusztán zsidó családtörténeti interjú és fotó adatbázisunkat, valamint erre épülő multimédia filmjeinket és oktatási anyagokat, hanem a résztvevők megismerhették a...

    Centropa seminar in Houston, Texas

    Houston and Galveston teachers were invited to join us at our teachers' seminar on Saturday, February 10, 2018, 8:00am-4:00 pm, for a Centropa seminar that gave them new lesson ideas, a wealth of free new resources about 20th century Central and Eastern European Jewish life for teaching social studies, history...

    Centropa seminar in Győr, Hungary

    On the first weekend of February, we organized a seminar for teachers of Győr, Hungary. 23 teachers came together to learn about Centropa's interview and photo database, our collected family stories, and the films and exhibitions we offer for classroom use. We also presented the Visegrád video competition, a video...

    Sephardic exhibition opening in Dubrovnik

    On January 29, 2018, the Centropa exhibition „Lost Sephardic World of the Western Balkans“ was opened in the Croation city Dubrovnik. The exibition was opened by Edward Serotta to 50 elementary and high school teachers. Also were present Loranda Miletić from the Croatian Ministry of education, history teacher from Philosophical...