Teacher blog

A Teaching Moment for 100 Centropa Teachers

This morning I was privileged to learn an important lesson about the necessity of using proper terminology and language when discussing divisive issues. This was a painful lesson for those whose feelings were trampled by the poor use of language and I am grateful to them for sharing their pain to help all of us learn it. This morning the Centropa Summer Academy visited the Tunel (sic) Museum or Tunnel of Life Museum. This is a family run museum at the end of the tunnel which was dug under the runway of the Sarajevo Airport in 1993.

The long and winding road...

As we travel across the lands of Central Europe, once ruled by a mighty Empire in Vienna, you begin to get a sense of just how little we in America know or understand about this foreign region. In our relatively “short” bus trip, we crossed into three countries, had passports checked and stamped, sometimes not, and it more and more was clear that one thing we misunderstand in America is the idea of “states” and how different these places can be. It is a stereotypical southern answer in america to say what our Civil War was about and that answer is usually “states rights”.

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The Place of Assassination

This is the very place where the well-known assassination took place, which started World War I on 28 June 1914. The picture was taken by me on our arrival in Sarajevo on 13 july 1914.



 SarajevoWars never end. This idea was very evident today as we visited the tunnel that was dug under the city of Sarajevo. Our guide  was a 17 year old Bosnian soldier during the siege of Sarajevo. He is still in pain and told his story from that perspective. His perspective in blaming the Serbs for the war was very upsetting to our colleagues from Serbia.  We had a moving discussion about their feelings and the idea of collective guilt. It was uncomfortable to witness the lingering pain of the Bosnian war but a valuable lesson in humanity.  
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Tuesday, July 15

I  remember when I first realized I was going to coming to Sarajevo thinking how exciting it would be to walk in the footsteps of the First World War.  What I did not realize was it will be more than that.   Walking around the city, I have been fascinated by the multicultural society of Jews, Muslims, and Christians.  To enjoy our meal with the Jews of Sarajevo, to see the lighted minarets, and the Christian and Orthodox churches.  To see the Jewish cemetery that goes back 400 yearse.  Every night I stay up and hear the busy streets and call to prayer.



Since day one CSI has exceeded my expectations professionally and personnally. The organization of the event has been outstanding and, what is most important, the resources and experiences I am collecting will definitely impact my students.


Ricky's notes Monday 14 July, 2014

Sarajevo July 14, 2014

Jens Wagner - German embassy in Sarajevo

personal stories being the best way to teach. especially for history. Centropa uses personal stories to make history come alive. German policy towards BH. Germany wants to support the western balkan countries to join NATO.

Therefore we must cultivate the young generation ie the teachers who affect the young generation.

Personal freindshops - series of youth conferences - youth activists 

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ViennaIn Vienna I had the great honor to meet two incredible ladies. Lilli and Charlotte live in Vienna and shared their lives and family history with us. We not only learned about their lives during World War II but the beautiful lives they built after the war. We not only shared lunch with Lilli and Charlotte, but we also shared Shabbat services and dinner with them. It was an inspirational experience that I will never forget 