Tag #106681 - Interview #88491 (Emanuel Elbinger)

Selected text
The only organization I belong to is the Children of the Holocaust Association, and I don’t want anything else, because I think that’s what I need, there is where I find people with similar stories. We have meetings once a month. There are 60 people enrolled in Cracow, I think, but if 40 of them come it’s a good show. It’s a lot, because lately a lot of that association is falling off, and some people only signed up for the benefits – there were reductions for the trams, for medication too. I’m maybe the oldest in the group, because people older than me can’t be members of that association – the condition is that you had to have been no older than 16 after the war. In general they don’t know much, because most of them were babies, hidden with other people. They don’t know anything and the religion doesn’t interest them much. I’m an agnostic too myself, so there’s no problem there.
Emanuel Elbinger