Tag #123408 - Interview #90453 (Nesim Alkabes)

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My wife Erna’s older brother Leon Adoni who was born in 1922, graduated from Saint Joseph Highschool and finished medical school in  Istanbul Tıp fakültesi (Istanbul School of Medicine). He did his residency in dermatology. He opened a clinic on the famous  Abanoz Street, because maladies like syphilis were very common here (this street was on the European side, and was very popular among men). But the number of patients he had, coupled with the limited opportunities alienated Leon from here (Istanbul). He decided to try his luck in the United States. He took private lessons to improve the English he had learned in school. He applied to Ohio State in 1950 and when he was accepted, he immediately left. His specialty was very relevant. Beautiful, young girls would come for treatment of acne, and a lot of men, gonorrhea etc. Thank G-d he became popular in a short time. From Ohio he went to Cleveland, then to Philadelphia. One day, he had a Russian Jew named Berenice as his patient, he fell in love with her while treating her acne. They married a short time later, had three sons. In time they owned a beautiful, 3-story villa with a garage, backyard and pool. Thank G-d they became very wealthy, they are in good shape.

A few years ago we visited them for a few weeks. Berenice is a very pleasant, nice and smart lady as well as being practical. One day, while we were there, she said to Leon: “Shall we give a party in honor of your sister and brother-in-law tonight” and she proceeded to call and invite 40 people. My  wife Emma started to panic: “It is 11 a.m., how will you manage to feed so many people? There is nothing in the house”. Berenice, without a care in the world, got in her car and said:  “Bye bye, I will see you in a little while, you go ahead and sunbathe, swim, enjoy yourselves”.

A few hours passed (we are not used to this kind of thing), a catering company came, immediately they set out tables in the garden, 3 waiters arranged the food on trays and served. All this expense cost 400 dolars. Berenice inherited money from her dad, she was rich.  She never worked, she only replaced the secretary in her husband’s office when she went on vacation.

Philadelphia, PA
United States

Nesim Alkabes