Tag #124894 - Interview #95600 (Mia Ulman)

Selected text
We lost many national traditions during the Soviet time, but nowadays a lot has changed. Fortunately, the programs of the Hesed Avraham Charitable Center help us to restore such traditions. We find ourselves under the guard of charitable Jewish organizations, where the young (my Yevgenia) and the old (people of my age and older) feel social and, most important, psychological protection. We are supported with food packages for holidays and also morally – being assured that we and our history, our past and present won’t be forgotten but preserved for next generations. This interview also reactivated my memories, made me turn over the pages in my family album and remember the lives of my relatives and friends.

Coming to the end of this interview, I would like to address and thank the organizers of this project; those, who strive for supporting and strengthening the national dignity in our souls, something we were deprived of during the Soviet period in our history.


Mia Ulman