Tag #135107 - Interview #101451 (Eva Gora Moldovan )

Selected text
I don’t go to the synagogue on Saturdays for a minyan, especially since women don’t count, as far as the number of ten is concerned. It’s enough for me that I go there during the week. I do go, however, when there is a high holiday, or a special event with important guests. I don’t receive help from the community, only the salary, like every other community employee. And I receive some support from the state because I was able to prove that we were forced to move to Oravita during the war. Under law 118, I have the benefit of free bus and train rides, I receive a little more money for my pension, I don’t pay taxes, I have some free medication, and free rental TV and radio. It doesn’t sound like much, but my life-style has certainly improved a bit since I started receiving all this.


Eva Gora Moldovan