Tag #144397 - Interview #78227 (frieda stoyanovskaya)

Selected text
The events of 1917 [the so-called Great October Socialist revolution] hardly touched us. We learned about what was going on in the country from two newspapers (by the way, they were sold in daddy's store). Each day a train from Kiev brought two newspapers: one was a monarchic newspaper, Kievskaya mysl [Kiev Thought], and the other one was a small and cheap one, Yuzhnaya kopeika [Southern Kopeck]. From Kievskaya mysl we learned about the dethronement of the tsar, the Provisional Government and the Bolshevik takeover. We were happy that there hadn't been one shot fired in Borispol as yet and that the events were happening somewhere else. We thought it might go on like that. 1918 was not marked by any disasters either. Military units came and left, doing no harm to us until the dreadful October of 1919.

Kyivska oblast

frieda stoyanovskaya