Tag #150443 - Interview #97031 (Efim Geifman)

Selected text
On 22 June 1941 there was to be the opening ceremony for a new stadium in Kiev for 50 000 seats. I had tickets to the opening ceremony. They had crossed out the name of Kossior [4] (he was one of organizers of this ceremony and his name had been printed at the invitation tickets before his arrest) on the tickets.

On 20 June (Saturday) we went to the Circus. Eddy Rozner jazz band gave a concert there. They came from western parts of the country. After the concert we walked a while, and early in the morning I was woken up by the sound of antiaircraft guns. At first we decided that this was some kind of training, but then we saw German airplanes. At 12 o’clock in the afternoon there was an announcement on the radio. Boris was mobilized immediately. Fania and her children evacuated in June.
Efim Geifman