Tag #153308 - Interview #78562 (Roza Levenberg)

Selected text
On the morning of  June 22, 1941, at the start of the war, mamma woke us up. I asked her to let me sleep a little longer, as I was to have an exam that day. I thought we were just having an ordinary training alarm. But mamma said firmly: “This is not a training alarm. It is war.” She knew it, though there had been no announcement on the radio yet. When I went to take my exam that morning they didn’t seem to know anything about the war in the University, either, though  the exam was being given in the basement, as Kiev was being bombed. I came in and told everyone that Molotov had spoken on the radio announcing the perfidious attack of the fascists on our country. Everybody got very upset. Our young lecturer Bronstein left for the front that very day.


Roza Levenberg