Tag #155902 - Interview #103947 (Faina Volper Biography)

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At Pesach my mother cooked traditional food: chicken broth, Gefilte fish and chicken necks stuffed with liver and flour. She made borsch and had goose fat. Besides, my mother made pancakes from matzah and eggs and potato pancakes. She ground potatoes and washed out the starch liquid that wasn’t kosher to make potato pancakes. My mother also made sponge cake from matzah flour. My mother made farfelex hollow buns that she fried in chicken fat. My father and I also liked soaked matzah mixed with goose fat and fried. It was delicious.

​My father always conducted Seder at Pesach. We were sitting on special pillows as required by the rules. According to the Seder rules the first dinner at Pesach has to be taken reclining on pillows to sit comfortable and enjoy the meal. My father said a prayer and my mother sang a song. My sister and I asked questions and our father answered them. We didn’t understand a word of what we were saying, repeating all words after our father.


Faina Volper Biography