Tag #157042 - Interview #79438 (Hillel Kempler)

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Family and friends came to our wedding. It had a wonderful atmosphere. We danced and it was very fun. Of course my father, as a pastry chef, baked the cake –beautifully decorated cakes. One of these cakes had two or three layers; that was the main cake. One of our friends decided that this cake belonged to him and, during the wedding, snatched the cake away and ate it. We were so proud of this cake and then it was just gone. We photographed the cake. We still have the photos. We’ve been married now for 62 years. On the evening of our 62nd wedding anniversary my son brought us to a small hall and we were surprised to find the whole family and good friends gathered there. As we arrived, everyone began clapping. Our children organized it. That was really very lovely! But the next surprise was that, during the celebration, my grandson and granddaughter arrived with a giant cake designed to look like the stolen cake from our wedding.

Tel Aviv

Hillel Kempler