Centropa News

The 11th Centropa Summer Academy - in Berlin

Between 5-12 July, we organized our annual Centropa Summer Academy for the 11th time. This year, we used Berlin as our classroom, and learned about Jewish history, the Third Reich, the Cold War and Civil Society - by touring streets and museums, listening to experts and panel discussions, and working...
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Premiere of a new Centropa film: Zahor - to remember

On June 13, Centropa proudly presented its new film „Zahor - to remember“ at a movie screening at the CityDome film theater in Sinsheim, Germany to 150 invited guests. Special guests included Dr. Menachem Mayer and his family from Israel, Consul General of Israel Sandra Simovich, Michael Schreiner from the...
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Visegrád video competition - here are the results!

This year we organized our video competition "In the footstep of Jewish memories" for the sixth time, and it was the second year that students of the Visegrád countries could compete together. We received more than 30 videos from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, whih were evaluated by...
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Centropa Western Balkans Seminar in Skopje, Macedonia

Impressions from our annual Macedonian teacher-training seminar, which brought together 52 participants from Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia, in Skopje on May 4-6, 2018, thanks to the generous support of the Claims Conference, the Holocaust Fund of the Jews from Macedonia, the US Embassy and the Austrian Embassy. We would...
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Café Centropa Vienna - a visit in Eisenstadt

On May 3rd, our Café Centropa Vienna members visited Eisenstadt, a small town with a rich Jewish history. The first stop was the old Jewish cemetery that was used between 1679 and 1875. After that, we visited the Jewish Museum itself and the small synagogue that is placed inside of...
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  • Centropa Díjkiosztó

    A Centropa Alapítvány immáron hatodik alkalommal rendezi meg éves díjkiosztó ünnepségét, ahová nagy szeretettel várunk minden tanárt és diákot, akik a 2017/2018-os tanév során részt vettek programjainkon, indultak videókészítési versenyünkön, fogadták vándorkiállításunkat, részt vettek a Közös Nevező kezdeményezésben, vagy saját projektjeiket valósították meg. Továbbá meghívjuk minden barátunkat, támogatónkat, partnerünket, hogy...
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    Sephardic exhibition opening in Niš

    On April 17th, 2018 the Centropa exhibition "Lost Sephardic World" was openend in the Serbian city of Niš. Exhibition was shown in the grand hall of the First Niš Grammar School “Stevan Sremac”. Around hundred people attended the opening of the exhibition. We were happy to welcome a delegate from...
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    Trans.History Seminar in Lviv, Ukraine

    Our third seminar in Lviv between 3-5. April brought together 50 educators, civil society activists and journalists from Ukraine, Moldova, Germany and Poland. During the seminar, teachers presented their projects and how they have used the Centropa films in educational contexts. The seminar also offered four different one-day workshops to...
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