Centropa Hírek

Sephardic exhibition opening in Skopje

On January 25, 2018, the Macedonian version of the Centropa exhibition „Lost Sephardic World of the Western Balkans“ was opened at the Macedonian Foreign Ministry in Skopje. The pictures show students from the English class of Centropa teacher Daniela Sterjova showing the Lost Sephardic World exhibition to the Prof Dr...

Cafe Centropa in Vienna

On the 23rd of January, the first Cafe Centropa event of 2018 was organized in Vienna. It was nice to reunite with our interviewees again, without whom Centropa could not exist. Thanks for Tanja Eckstein for organizing the event, and Ouriel Morgensztern for the photographs.

"Survival in Sarajevo" Project: Final event in Bucharest

On the 17th of December, we organized our final event for the Centropa Survival in Sarajevo Project in Bucharest. The project took place between October 2016 and December 2017, and involved more than 40 teachers and 90 students from Romania. We created a Romanian voiceover for our multimedia film "Survival...

Hanukkah with Cafe Centropa Budapest

On the 15th of December, we celebrated the 4th Day of Hanukkah with our Cafe Centropa members in Budapest. All together 115 Cafe Centropa members, guests, family, students, and teachers celebrated Hanukkah together - truly a highlight of our year! Our thanks goes to the Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish...

Hanukkah with Cafe Centropa Vienna

On the 13th of December, we celebrated the second evening of Hanukkah with our Cafe Centropa in Vienna. Chief Rabbi Eisenberg lit the Hanukkah candles, the Ensemble Klesmer Wien set the festive mood with their music, and Shalom Bernholtz provided the wonderful buffet. Many thanks to the City of Vienna...

New Centropa Publication: "Es war einmal in Wien"

On the 20th of November, during our monthly Cafe Centropa in Vienna, we launched our newest book "Es war einmal in Wien". In this publication, 10 of our Vienna Interviewees tell us about the memories of their Vienna and everyday life during the 20th century. Special thanks to Hannah Miriam...

The 6th CJN seminar

Between 29-31 October, we organized our 6th professional development seminar for teachers in European and Israeli Jewish Schools in Krakow. 26 educators from 15 countries and 17 schools came together to discover Jewish Krakow, learn about Centropa resources, and share experiences and ideas with each other. We thank for all...

Final event of our Sarajevo Project in Poland

The Sarajevo Project of Centropa is about to come to an end. Supported by the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union, we managed to bring the fascinating story of La Benevolencija to schools in three countries: Hungary, Poland, and Romania. We made the Survival in Sarajevo film in...