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Ode to Matzohballs

photo taken by FoodMayhem.com, on April 12, 2009, CC licensing

This article first appeared, in a slightly different form, in Jewish Woman Magazine, Spring 2012

            We’ve heard all their adjectives: ethereal, gossamer, featherweight. Lovers of the lightest matzoh balls are a smug lot.

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Light, Eggy Matzoh Balls with No Additional Fat

photo taken by Joshua Bousel, on  April 12, 2006, CC licensing

For those who can’t make up their minds about using chicken fat and prefer a delicate matzoh ball, these are a great choice: the only fat here comes from the egg yolks. Eliminating the fat and separating the eggs make for a very light dumpling where the wheaty flavor shines through delicately.

Serves about 8

4 large eggs, separated

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Eva Deutsch exhibition


Exhibition organized by students from the National College "Iulia Hasdeu" Lugoj, Romania (January 27, 2013). Based on Eva Deutsch bio (from centropa.org) students from Hasdeu have created a series of drawings to tell her story.
