Teacher blog

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Schloss Grafeneck

Schloss Grafeneck was built in the 16th Century. It became a sanitarium until the Nazis decided to use it as the first T4 site outside of Berlin. Over 10,000 were murdered ther in less than a year, and the gassing expertise gained there was used in the death camps. It is disturbing, not only for the history, but because it is still used as a sanitarium, and the cemetray where they put the cremains in a mass grave is still active. I finished reading Defying Hitler in the shadow of the castle waiting for the bus.

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Students from Hasdeu participated at the events commemorating the 170 years since the inauguration of the Synagogue in Lugoj

Monday, June 10, 2013, over 100 students and teachers from the "Julia Hasdeu" Lugoj participated at the show "Janka" by Oscar Spice mounted Hebrew State Theatre in Bucharest. The show took place in Lugoj Municipal Theatre "Traian Grozăvescu" and and it had actress Maia Morgenstern in the leading role. Janka is a theater-film, which recounts the life Janka Festinger, a Holocaust survivor, born in Sighet, Romania.

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Film Festival of Students from Hasdeu - FFEH

At the CSA 2012 teacher Horatiu Suciu learned to make movies. Back home, together with his students, in school year 2012-2013, initiated the project "Me and my family". Students from National Colleg ”Iulia Hasdeu" made movies about the way their families were affected by history. Some of these films were presented at the Film Festival of Students from Hasdeu - FFEH (03/04/2013).

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NIS, SERBIA (June 2012) – My interest in Jewish heritage dates back to when I lived and worked as a journalist in Belgrade many years ago. At that time Belgrade was the capital of Serbia and also of what was then Yugoslavia, and my principal focus, as the chief correspondent for UPI, was following mainstream developments. Still, it was back then that I first came into contact with the small surviving Jewish communities in the region, and it was also then that I first visited some of the synagogues and Jewish cemeteries that had also survived the Holocaust.
