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Ginger-flavored Soup Biscuits

photo taken by Craig Dugas, on January 25, 2009, CC licensing

This is quite an unusual soup garnish. It is in the Austro-Hungarian cooking tradition, but different from other Austrian or Hungarian recipes I know. I love the texture and the nice ginger flavor of these biscuits in beef-vegetable soup or other meat soups. Sprinkle chopped parsley around the biscuit slices in the soup and you will have an interesting, elegant, yet easily prepared dish.

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Matzoh Balls

photo taken by megabeth, on April 11, 2009, CC licensing

- 5 tablespoons of chicken fat
- 5 eggs
- Salt, freshly ground pepper
- 1 cup matzoh meal, plus a bit more in order to make a stiff mixture.

Beat with an electric hand mixer the chicken fat with the eggs, add salt, pepper and matzoh meal. Mix well. You should have a fairly stiff mixture.

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Mandelbrot (Pareve)

photo taken by Deniele Muscetta, on December 23, 2007, CC licensing

How did we come to be who we are? Occasionally, we ask ourselves that question, or try to give the answer to someone else. We turn our thoughts to the past, and try to remember a "turning point" which helped to form our identity, and inspired us with the strength to become better people.

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Bulgarian shopska salad

photo taken by Esti Alvarez, on August 29, 2007, CC licensing

When I am in Sofia, Robert Djerassi, the JDC representative in Bulgaria, takes me to a small hut-like restaurant, the Kontesa, practically on the grounds of the Ronald S. Lauder School (in the Sveti Nikola Park). Everything they make here is terrific, and I watched them prepare shopska (sheep’s cheese) salads.


- 4 green peppers

- 4 tomatoes
