Revived History - The Story About David Meisel

Karlovac is situated in the central part of Croatia. In the past the town was an important centre of traffic, economy and culture. Many people of various nationalities came to the town because of its good location, between the Pannonian Plain and the Adriatic Sea, and at the beginning of the 19th century came the first Jewish families. Those families contributed to the development of the economy, the art and the culture of our town. One of those families was the Meisel family.

Some time ago Tena, the great-granddaughter of David Meisel, found family photographs in an old box, which were taken by her great-grandfather. Our pupils Dora Kučan and Barbara Bosanac (elementary school Dubovac) made an interview with her. They talked about her great-grandfather. when he came to the town, what was his occupation, what happened to his family during the Second World War. Video recorded and edited Bruno Lukić (secondary school - Ekonomsko-uristička škola). Tena said: "I found some other things in the box, I also hope to find other things in the house.

But something that touched me deeply is the discovering of David’s composition „Keduschah“, which he published exactly one year after he came to Karlovac. It is a liturgical composition which was performed during masses in the synagogue, it had 3 paragraphs, it was written for a solo voice of cantor, for the accompaniment of  an organ, with a note which composition is sung by the choir as the answer. I work at the music school in Karlovac, as guitar teacher, and although the composition isn’t made for a guitar, I made an arrangement of the first paragraph, sticking to David’s original mode and harmonization.

The video-making competition for students in the Visegrad countries in the 2017/2018 school year was supported by:
  • Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund
  • Open Society Foundations
  • Gallic Fund
  • Mozaik Hub - JDC
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