This project was carried out in two schools: VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Juliusza Słowackiego in Kielce (Poland) and Southeast Guilford High School (USA). In the beginning, students made intro videos presenting themselves. After that, they began making movies. Polish students focused mostly on the history of their families and the Americans thought of an American who influenced them in a positive way. They posted their films on Facebook and commented on other students' movies. They also discussed issues related to current affairs and question revolved around Ukraine and Russia. Polish students emphasized that they learned more about their own families' history and their hometowns. They discovered that multicultural links existed between their ancestors and their neighbors. They learned that the cities and towns, they live in now, used to be much more culturally diverse. One of the main things American students learned from the projects is that “others” are just like themselves. Both teachers consider the project a successful initiative.