Tag #138772 - Interview #78554 (Jozsef Faludi)

Selected text
In 1942 I left my aunts and, if I can put it this way, became independent. Because when I was with them, I didn’t get a salary, just an allowance as a member of the family. By then I had learned to be a tailor. I got acquainted with a boy from Vienna, and we rented a room in Tel Aviv where I lived for a good while. The German boy and I spoke German together. I had other German friends too.

I learned English on my own there. I had learned a little here at home before I left, but I realized it wasn’t worth anything.

When I left my aunt’s, I came into contact with a leftist organization where I met a Hungarian, Ferenc Bug, a tailor. I worked in his shop as an assistant. That organization linked with the Communist Party. They held seminars and lectures, and organized excursions. That’s where I met my Yemenite wife, Mazal. Mazal was born in Jerusalem, her grandparents had moved from Yemen to Palestine.

Tel Aviv

Jozsef Faludi