Centropa News

Centropa's Hungarian exhibition "Stories from a family album" in Sopron

In February Centropa's traveling exhibition "Stories from a family album" was in Sopron at the Eötvös József Evangelical High School. Our partner teachers at the school - Bernadett Csehi, Márta Újvári, Ákos Bánfi, and Zoltán Telekes - organized an exhibition opening which was covered by the local media, and they...
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  • US Winter Seminar -- San Diego

    On Feb 17-18, Centropa will hold its annual US West Coast seminar for educators from public and Jewish high schools. The 2-day seminar will take place at the San Diego Jewish Academy. For more information, contact Dr. Lauren Granite: granite [at] centropa.org
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  • Seminar for European Jewish schools

    On Feb 10-11, 2013, Centropa is inviting 35 educators from European Jewish schools to a skill-building seminar in Berlin. For more information, contact our Jewish school coordinator, Marcell Kenesei: kenesei [at] centropa.org
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    Cafe Centropa

    On January 24, 2013, Centropa Vienna held its monthly Cafe Centropa club for Holocaust survivors. This month, well-known Austrian writer Robert Schindel read to our Cafe Centropa members.
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  • Cafe Centropa Newsletter November 2012

    Wir freuen uns, dass DI Georg Gaugusch bei unserem letzten Cafe Centropa so interessant und anschaulich über seine genealogischen Forschungen und die Entstehung seines Werkes „Wer einmal war“, gesprochen hat. Wie immer fand der Nachmittag in wunderbarer und warmer Atmosphäre statt. Trotz des bevorstehenden Jahreswechsels wird Cafe Centropa noch dreimal...
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