Student projects / Border jumping

Displaying 1 - 40 of 436 student projects
Centropa Jewish Network
Project title & tags School Project videos / documents
Edith Adler and Berry Nahmias - A story of survival
Winner, Family History
Ehad Ha'am High School
The Colchamiro Journey – A Story of Persistance
Winner, Family History
JDS of Metropolitan Seattle
To the Lost Stories
Runner up, Family History
JDS of Metropolitan Seattle
Stolperstein inauguration
Winner, My Community
Lauder Javne Community School Budapest, Hungary
Stolperstein inauguration Lauder Javne Community School Budapest, Hungary
Stolperstein inauguration
Winner, My Community
Balat’s remaining synagogues
Runner up, My Community
Ulus Jewish Schools
Sephardic Jews
Winner, My Community
Lauder Hugo Kon Elementary School
The Sephardic Heritage of Thessaloniki
Winner, My Community
Joseph Nissim JCT Primary School
Winner, Cookbook Project
Ehad Ha'am High School
Leek Patties a la my Grandma
Runner up, Cookbook Project
Ulus Jewish Schools
Bulemas de Espinaka
Winner, Cookbook Project
Ulus Jewish Schools
Cookbook Project, Runner up
Keshet School
Judaism in my neighborhood
My Community, Runner up, Story of a Jewish person
Lauder-Reut Educational Complex | Bucharest, Romania
Friendship in a time of war
Project based on a Centropa film, Winner
Ulus Jewish Schools
The Garden Of Forking Paths
My Community, Winner
Lauder Javne Community School Budapest, Hungary
Golda Meir
My Community, Runner up
Educational Complex №141 "ORT"
We Are Different, But Very Similar
My Community, Runner up
Educational Complex №141 "ORT"
My Jewish Community
My Community, Special prize
Ulus Jewish Schools
Family History of Nathan
Family History, Story of a Jewish person, Winner
Maimonides School | Amsterdam, Netherlands
Into the Unknown Pages of History of My Roots
Family History, Runner up
Educational Complex №141 "ORT"
Project title & tags School Project videos / documents
David Baazov – A man without a monument
Runner up, Story of a Jewish person
Tbilisi Grigol Kobakhidze Public School
In the footsteps of the Jewish heritage, a film about a Jewish family from Telavi.
Tsinandali Public School
Jewish life since the time of the Patriotic War based on the story of Iryna Aizenberg
Special prize, Story of a Jewish person
Mykhailo-Kotsyubinsky Lyceum
Special prize, Poetry projects
Liceum numer 1 we Wrocławiu im. Danuty Siedzikówny,, Inki"
From darkness to hope – a Jewish struggle for freedom
Special prize, Story of a Jewish person
II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Św. Królowej Jadwigi w Siedlcach
Zlata Tkach – Queen of the Music Industry
Special prize, Story of a Jewish person
Gimnaziul Grigore Vieru
Zuzanna Ginczanka in the face of evil
Special prize, Story of a Jewish person, Poetry projects
I Liceum Ogólnokształcące, Bydgoszcz
Children of dreams
Runner up, Story of a Jewish person, Poetry projects
Chernivtsi Lyceum No. 10, Chernivtsi Art School named after Mykhailo IvasyukGo
Then so much happened…
Runner up
X LO im. I.J.Paderewskiego w Katowicach Akademickie
Threads of Dora's Life
Winner, Story of a Jewish person
M. Ivasiuk
Our Town's Jewish History
Project title & tags School Project videos / documents
History of the Dotnuva Jews
Runner up
Kėdainių r. Akademijos gimnazija
Puerta Redonda
Our town's Jewish history
7th Lykeion Thessaloniki
Individual school project
Project title & tags School Project videos / documents
A new meet within the project „Meet me halfway"
Cooperation project
Colegiul National "IULIA HASDEU" Lugoj
Students from Hasdeu visited the monuments in The Jewish Cemetery from Lugoj
Our town's Jewish history
Colegiul National "IULIA HASDEU" Lugoj
The day of the liberation of the Roma
Civil society
Colegiul National "IULIA HASDEU" Lugoj
January 27, 2021 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Holocaust commemoration
Colegiul National "IULIA HASDEU" Lugoj
Meet me halfway (Meet Me in Vienna)
Cooperation project
Colegiul National "IULIA HASDEU" Lugoj
Film Festival of Students from Hasdeu (FFEH 8)
Student presentations/theatre
Colegiul National "IULIA HASDEU" Lugoj
The National Day of Commemorating the Holocaust
Holocaust commemoration
Colegiul National "IULIA HASDEU" Lugoj