October 9 represents, in Romania, the National Holocaust Remembrance Day. To commemorate this tragic event, between September and October 2020, at the Iulia Hasdeu Lugoj High School, took place the project „Holocaust through the eyes of children”. In this project, the students from HasdEU made posters, collages, drawings or paintings with the theme Children in the Holocaust (and / or the Holocaust). Given the conditions, the contest took place online. The best creations of the students were presented publicly in an online exhibition (https://ro-ro.facebook.com/csecniuliahasdeu/posts/3302142286506367?__tn__=-R, http://www.cniuliahasdeu.ro /index.php/item/550-expozitie-online-cu-proiectele-realizate-de-elevi-in-cadrul-proiectului-holocaustul-prin-ochii-copiilor#.X3y76GgzbFA).On October 9, 2020, on the occasion of the National Holocaust Remembrance Day, a short ceremony took place in the school yard at the end of which the best works were awarded.