Centropa News

Centropa Summer Academy 2019 in Berlin, Germany

Centropa has brought together 72 teachers from 15 countries for our annual Summer Academy in Berlin, Germany between 8-15 July where we used the city as our classroom to learn about 20th century history, the Holocaust and civil society. During the intense 7-day program, our teachers visited key historic sites...
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Centropa Regionális Szeminárium

A Centropa Alapítvány akkreditált képzést szervez a visegrádi országok tanárai számára "Séta az emlékezet könyvtárában" címmel. A szeminárium során a zsidóság történetének oktatásához, a holokauszt iskolai feldolgozásához, illetve a diákok aktív bevonását segítő projektek megvalósításához nyújtunk szakmai segítséget oktatási anyagokkal, módszerekkel és jó gyakorlatokkal. A képzés sikeres elvégzése után 30...

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Centropa Western Balkans Seminar in Maribor

Our seminar "Teaching Jewish history, the Holocaust, and inter-religious tolerance in the Western Balkans" was organized for 40 educators from Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, and North Macedonia. During the seminar, participants learned about the Jewish history of Maribor and Lendava through expert lectures, walking tours and museum visits, met members of...
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Trans.History seminar in Odessa

For our 11th Trans.History seminar, we brought together 50 teachers from Ukraine, Moldova and Germany to discuss and share best practices on commemorating Jewish history and culture, and promoting active citizenship in educational contexts. Thanks to our special guests: Marina London of Beit Grand, Vladislav Hrynevich, regional manager of UJE...
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Centropa seminar in Lublin

25 Polish and 5 German teachers explored Centropa's teaching tools, met with academics and journalists such as Konstanty Gebert, attended a Shabbat dinner, engaged in workshops, and visited the State Museum at Majdanek at the site of the former German concentration camp. Together, participants developed lesson plans that they will...
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CJN seminar in Istanbul

34 teachers came together from 16 countries to our 7th professional development seminar for European Jewish schools in Istanbul, Turkey! Teachers learned about the Centropa database and our materials, attended workshops and presentations about new methodologies and tools, disvocered the old Jewish neighborhood of Istanbul, and attended a wonderful welcome...
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Centropa Seminar in Belgrade

35 participants from the Western Balkans attended our 12th regional teacher training seminar “Teaching Jewish History, the Holocaust and Interreligious Tolerance in the Western Balkans" at Cultural Center Parobrod in Belgrade, December 14-16. During the seminar, we opened our Sarajevo exhibition with special guests including Igor Kozemjakin of the Interreligious...
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Centropa Hanukkah In Budapest

Centropa Budapest celebrated Hanukkah on the 7th of December. Thanks for all teachers, students and our interviewees who came and spent this evening with us. We played a Hanukkah quiz, lit the candles, and Vera Jónás entertained us with excellent music. The event was supported by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung...
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