Love on a paper airplane

Love on a paper airplane

We can not travel in time. We can not enter the photo studio of Emil Keglovits in Szeged in 1912, when Zsigmond Braun and Aranka Buchhalter pose for their wedding picture. We can not enjoy the holiday in Abbazia in 1916 with wealthy families. We can not visit the butchery of Simon Goldgruber, where he told about all his memories from the first world war. We can not be guests at the traditional Jewish wedding of Henrik Klein and Rózsa Wagschal in 1910 in Máramarossziget (today's Romania), and can not ask Paula Feith, who was a nurse in a military hospital during the first world war.

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Maximilian von Schoeler

Maximilian von Schoeler

Project Manager
schoeler [at]

Maximilian studied Social Science at Humboldt University of Berlin and received his master’s degree in Holocaust Communication and Tolerance at Touro College Berlin. From 2009 until 2015 he worked at Center for Digital Systems (CeDiS) at Free University of Berlin for the online oral history archives „Forced Labor 1939-1945“ and „Witnesses to the Shoah“, and assisted organising and conducting the annual CeDiS Summer School from 2013 until 2016.

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Jonathan Schwers

Jonathan Schwers

Project Manager
schwers [at]

Jonathan was born in Germany and received his Bachelors degree in Political Science and Sociology in 2018 at the University Trier. Jonathan began as an intern at Centropa in 2018 and we asked him to stay on. He has been carrying out research in our archive as well as helping with our teachers’ seminars. Jonathan is continuing his education and is now working on a Master’s degree in Political Science at the University Vienna with an emphasis on International Relations, EU and Europeanization.

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The Power of a Promise

Reflecting about who we are and how we behave are central to the High Holiday experience. Beginning with Elul and running through Simchat Torah, Jews ask forgiveness for our sins and shortcomings. For sins against people we must ask people for forgiveness (ben adam lechavero), for sins against God we must address God (ben adam lemaqom). In this lesson students will study what it means to make and keep a promise. What do our promises – to ourselves, to each other, to God – mean if we don’t keep them? Do promises mean nothing or do promises mean everything
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American Civil Rights Movement and Sarajevo

Students build a more complex and deeper understanding about the Civil Rights’ Movement as well as the activists and their non-compliance/non-violence approach to halt the laws and people in positions of power that oppose change to the status quo and contrast it to the defiance of laws in Sarajevo during the war in the 1990s.
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The Together Project

Students in Chicago, Berlin, and Skopje explored minorities in each of their cultures, and stereotypes about them. Students first tried to predict what life was like for the students in the other countries (US, Berlin, Macedonia) - many of these were based on stereotypes and they discussed that. They created films about their own schools and cities and shared them with one another. Then they each researched how minorities came to their countries, and interviewed people from those minorities in order to break down stereotypes. They reported back to one another.
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