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Shoes in Terezin

Two pair of shoes in small room at 17 Dlouha Street in Terezin. Owners: Artur Berlinger and his wife.  He was a man of many talents. He worked as a musician, music teacher, painter, calligrapher and artisan.  In 1942 Artur and his wife were deported to the Jewish Ghetto in Terezin. During 1943 Berlinger happened upon the empty attic space with the vaulted ceiling at 17 Dlouhá Street. Determined to help other inmates celebrate their Jewish faith, he transformed it into a prayer room and probably using his own liturgical items during the services he led.

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Don't really know what day is it - #CSA2016

My book list so far:

1. The Trigger by Tm Butcher

2. The Girls of Room 28

3. How I Came to Know Fish by Ota Pavel

4. Letter to my Father - Franz Kafka


#CSA2016 - I believe the list will continue... ;)

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Day 4

Day four today and  we continued our trip to Prague starting from the Jewish cemetery and Kafka's grave.

Prague is a small miracle. Beautiful,traditional, cobbled streets and wonderful architecture take you to a land of dreams, where the impossible is never too far away. The Austrian Ambassador honored us with an invitation to dinner. 

Thrilled with the seminar so far, as I did not expect that on day two already I'd meet and collaborate with people as if we had known each other for years

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Beautiful Souls

CSA 2016, Day Three. Another
fabulous day -- a visit to the Belvedere Museum in Vienna! As breathtaking as
it is, however it did not make my best part of this seminar day. Completely
unexpectedly, the highlight of the day turned out to be a story I was told by
Robert Rosner, a 92 year old Holocaust survivor from Vienna. It's a story of
how his wife survived the Holocaust in Austria. 

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centropa 2016 - some thoughts about the beginning

Dear  Centropa members

It is so very surprising to see so many teachers willing to spend there summer time vacation to deal with not very easy issues . The main idea expressd by many of us was the will to teach our students to see the other, to open there eyes to other ways of living, and to deal with the complexity of human history, especally the sad hstory of the twentieth century.

For me learning and teaching  about  the holocaust is an obligation one can not escape from, despite the pain.

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centropa 2016 - some thoughts about the beginning

Dear  Centropa members

It is so very surprising to see so many teachers willing to spend there summer time vacation to deal with not very easy issues . The main idea expressd by many of us was the will to teach our students to see the other, to open there eyes to other ways of living, and to deal with the complexity of human history, especally the sad hstory of the twentieth century.

For me learning and teaching  about  the holocaust is an obligation one can not escape from, despite the pain.

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Today we've had a very emotional and inspiring meeting with Irene Bartz. Holocaust survivor from Vienna.She speaks Polish (her mother was from Krakow ) as if she had never left Poland. I do hope Irene  will come to Wroclaw. 

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Today we've had a very emotional and inspiring meeting with Irene Bartz. Holocaust survivor from Vienna.She speaks Polish (her mother was from Krakow ) as if she had never left Poland. I do hope Irene  will come to Wroclaw. 

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