Cross-cultural Cookbook Project


We began by watching Centropa’s film So Memory Doesn’t Die, about Teofila Silberring’s harrowing experience during the Holocaust. She was saved from starvation by a kind family friend who gave her blueberry pirogues at key moments, and we focused on the role these pirogues played in her story. After discussing this, students were asked to research an important food in their family, and then to make a cookbook page –either by hand, or digitally – and represent the dish and its importance in the family through images, colors, and design.

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Centropa exchange: Kielce and Greensboro

This project was carried out in two schools: VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Juliusza Słowackiego in Kielce  (Poland) and Southeast Guilford High School (USA). In the beginning, students made intro videos presenting themselves. After that, they began making movies. Polish students focused mostly on the history of their families and the Americans thought of an American who influenced them in a positive way. They posted their films on Facebook and commented on other students' movies. They also discussed issues related to current affairs and question revolved around Ukraine and Russia.

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Tomislav Šimić

Tomislav Šimić

Centropa Coordinator for Croatia
simic [at]

Tomislav comes from Zagreb, Croatia. He graduated in History and Czech language and literature BA programme at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. Currently Tomisalv is working as a history teacher in a Jewish elementary school Hugo Kon in Zagreb. Since his first visit to Centropa Summer Academy in 2011 he became a Centropa teacher. He is also coordinator for Centropa in Croatia. 

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Damjan Snoj

Damjan Snoj

Centropa Coordinator for Slovenia
snoj [at]

Damjan comes from Ljubljana, Slovenia. He studied Geography and History at Ljubljana University. He has been a teacher for more than 20 years. He teaches Geography and History and also works as deputy headmaster at his school which is located about 25 km south-west from Ljubljana. He likes to join national and international projects either alone or with his pupils to give them skills and motivation for their future. He was introduced to Centropa back in 2013, participated in his first Centropa seminar in Skopje and his first CSA that year.

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Daniela Sterjova

Daniela Sterjova

Centropa Coordinator for North Macedonia
sterjova [at]

Daniela Šterjova studied philology at the Saints Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, at the department for English language and literature. She works as an English teacher at the Petar Pop Arsov Public Primary School.

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