Lesson Plan | The Years Make Their Own

Centropa lesson

Centropa film: The Years Make Their Own

Teacher: Biljana Shotarovska

School: Blaze Koneski Primary school – Skopje, Macedonia

Overview information

Type of school: Public school

Subject taught: Civic education

Grade level of students: 9th grade (aged 14-15)

Total durations: Two 40 minute lessons  

Lesson aims/objectives:

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It All Makes Sense Now

It has been over a week since the conclusion of the 2014 Centropa Summer Academy. It probably will be many more weeks until I can truly process everything that was seen, felt, experienced and learned during the trip. It is rare that a place can blow you away, exceeding any expectations that you may have. Even more rare is it happening in three different cities.

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When I started to work in school as a teacher I was told that there is only way to find out am I good in this job. "If your students leave your class feeling and thinking differently, you achieved your goal", a school psychologist ( an expert for an active learning) told me.

Well, I have been several times in Sarajevo, but this time I came back home totaly changed.  Different. Something happened to me. Centropa is obviously extremely good in its work. 

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"Three Promises" - Lesson Plan


-       Identifying causal relations between characters and events

-       Helping the students develop critical thinking skills through the analysis of historical sources (a film)

-       Raising students’ consciousness and empathy for other people’s pain and suffering

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The long and winding road...

As we travel across the lands of Central Europe, once ruled by a mighty Empire in Vienna, you begin to get a sense of just how little we in America know or understand about this foreign region. In our relatively “short” bus trip, we crossed into three countries, had passports checked and stamped, sometimes not, and it more and more was clear that one thing we misunderstand in America is the idea of “states” and how different these places can be. It is a stereotypical southern answer in america to say what our Civil War was about and that answer is usually “states rights”.

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The Place of Assassination

This is the very place where the well-known assassination took place, which started World War I on 28 June 1914. The picture was taken by me on our arrival in Sarajevo on 13 july 1914.

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Ricky's notes Monday 14 July, 2014

Sarajevo July 14, 2014

Jens Wagner - German embassy in Sarajevo

personal stories being the best way to teach. especially for history. Centropa uses personal stories to make history come alive. German policy towards BH. Germany wants to support the western balkan countries to join NATO.

Therefore we must cultivate the young generation ie the teachers who affect the young generation.

Personal freindshops - series of youth conferences - youth activists 

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A special city and very special people to share this experience with

Sitting in my room I hear the rain puring down . It is the very first time I am writing on this blog . Nearby the Muazzin is calling his fellow believers to join him in the evening prayer ,which reminds me of my city Jerusalem ( which by the way is one of the most beautiful cities in the world ,but also one of the most complicated ones )  But Sarajevo is a very special and beautiful city of its own - When we arrived I got absorbed by the atmosphere created by the buildings ,shops ,tiny little streets ,the river and its bridges ...

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