Irregular Cookbook

Tantárgyi célok és készségekkel kapcsolatos célok
A tanulóknak meg kell érteniük, hogy a szóbeli történelem; különösen a családi történetek is a történelmünk részei. Sokat tanulhatunk más emberek élettörténetéből.
Ezeknek a gyerekeknek vannak nagyszüleik, találkozhatnak egymással, beszélgethetnek egymással. Ez nagyon fontos.
Az idősebb generáció megértése és elfogadása mindig nagyon hasznos.
Tisztelnünk kell a szüleinket, nagyszüleinket, a tudásukat, a srotiesüket.

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Every Photo tells a Story: A Project about Franziska Smolka

When engaging students with history in general, and with the history of National Socialism and the Holocaust in particular, teachers should not limit themselves to how European Jews died during the Holocaust, but should also concentrate on how they lived.

In this lesson plan, Ulrike Lackner uses Centropa’s approach and concentrates on the story of Franziska Smolka. First, she show the video 10 Years in 4 minutes ( to illustrate what Centropa is and how Centropa works.

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Interviewing a Picture

Using Edward Serotta's photographs from the synagogue in Sarajevo during the Bosnian war of the 1990s, students will study several pictures carefully, answer questions and use what they learn in a creative writing assignment.  Photographs can be found and downloaded from the special website for Centropa's Survival in Sarajevo exhbition:

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Let All Who are Hungry Come and Eat

In these two back-to-back lessons, students will explore Jewish values, Jewish identity, and the question of how to balance their ethnic/religious identities with being a citizen of the world.  Students will watch Centropa's film, Survival in Sarajevo: Friendship in a Time of War - the powerful story of how a small group of Holocaust survivors and their children worked with their Christian and Muslim neighbors to save each other and their city during the Bosnian war of the early 1990s.

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Survival in Sarajevo: Lessons in Civic Values

In these two back-to-back lessons, students will watch Survival in Sarajevo: Friendship in a Time of War - a story about a small group of Holocaust survivors and their children who worked with their Muslim and Christian neighbors to save each other and their city during the Bosnian war of the early 1990s - to explore civic values. Your students will think about what it means to be a member of society, and what responsibilities come from being part of a community.

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We Remember

Students make a 3-5 minute film that tells the story of a family member.  We start the project by showing Centropa films as models for short films that tell a compelling story through narrative, visual and audio elements.  Students interview family members, learn to craft a compelling story about their family, write the narration, collect the photographs and visual images, choose appropriate music and edit everything using film-making software.  We conclude the project by having a film festival where we invite parents and each student film is shown.  Through this project

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Interwar Hungarian Photographers Project

Interwar Hungary produced some of the best modernist photographers: Imre Kertesz, Robert Capa, and Laszlo Moholy Nagy. All were Jewish. Another great Jewish Hungarian photographer of the period was Imre Kinszki, whose life and career was cut short when he vanished in the last months of WW2 during a death march. His reputation faded. In this project, students learn about the modernist artistic styles of these important photographers, and research their life stories.

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So that Memory Doesn't Die


In this 45 minute lesson, high school students explore two important aspects of survivors’ lives: 1) rebuilding their lives after living through horrors and losing their families, and 2) sharing their stories. Students will watch the Centropa film, So Memory Doesn’t Die, and read excerpts from the interview with Toska Silberring to explore how Toska rebuilt her life and why she chose to speak about her experiences. 

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Multimedia Yom Hashoah Presentation

In this unit, selected 8th grade students worked with three teachers to prepare a multimedia presentation for the middle school using Centropa materials in observance of Yom Hashoah. The students read through Centropa interviews and watched related films. They then wrote a script using the interviews and created a slide presentation that was shown while students read brief biographies based on the interviews.

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