Choosing to be Jewish Family Education Program

During this session families will learn the stories of several individuals who survived the Holocaust and then stayed in Europe after the war. They saw the destruction of the societies in which they grew up and they lived through the harshest years of Communist rule and, ultimately, witnessed the fall of Communism as well. During all this time they lived their lives and raised their families and chose to retain their Jewish identities.

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Picturing Kristallnacht

This lesson commemorates Kristallnacht by having students examine how it was a turning point in the treatment of Jews in Germany and Austria. Taught within the context of the 8th grade Holocaust curriculum, the goal of the lesson is to personalize for students what happened by starting with their own photographs as a way connect to young Jews in Jews in Germany and Austria before the Nazi rise to power. We then used Centropa interview excerpts and photographs to learn first-hand memories of Kristallnacht.
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The Library of Rescued Memories - Czech Republic

The Library of Rescued Memories - Czech Republic

This is an exhibition that tells us much more about how Jews lived rather than how they died, and it is a tribute to all those in these pictures who were murdered in the Holocaust. The exhibition consists of 70 panels, and it premiered in 2009 in Terezin. In late 2013, it will tour the Czech Republic.

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Jewish Surnames

The goal of these lesson plans, which should take about 16 hours of class time + home work, is for each student to produce a short biographical film on the subject of his/her family names. The themes of this unit are Jews Names, Historical Timeline, and the development of names and identities in the Jewish Diaspora.
The teaching unit deals with the history of Jewish family names from biblical times, through the Diaspora in different Jewish ethnic groups and around the world, and to the Hebraization of family names at the establishment of the state of Israel. Thus, the students will:

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Lesson plan on the Centropa film "Max Uri - Looking for Frieda"

Using the Centropa film "Max Uri -Looking for Frieda", which is a touching love story, together with Emily Dickinson's poem "I Held a Jewel", you can expose your students to learning history, poetry and culture.Through an individual life story of a couple falling in love and then being separated by the war, your students will experience and learn about Jewish life in Vienna prior to WWII.

The poem is used as an analogy to love, or to what is meaningful in life .

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Slideshow Images

Rosh HaShanah Challah

photo taken by Rebecca Siegel, on March 2, 2009, CC licensing

(from Jewish Holiday Cooking: A Food Lover’s Treasury of Classics and Improvisations, by Jayne Cohen, available in print and e-book formats)

Bread has always been the heart of the Jewish meal. When the benediction over the bread is made, it is unnecessary to recite prayers over any of the other foods eaten.

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