Creating a Student Museum

As of 2013, for three years students at the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy in Philadelphia have created, curated and been docents for museums they have made using Centropa resources and their own research.  Two years in a row they created museum panels to stand alongside Centropa's own exhibits - one of Czech Jewry and the other of Polish Jewry - and in 2013 they created all 38 panels for a truly special exhibit about Sephardic Jewry in the Balkans.

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In less than one week, I will be traveling to Berlin, Germany for my first ever international conference/institute.  I am both excited and slightly nervous for what lies ahead.  I am excited in the fact that this is the opportunity of a lifetime to come together with nearly 80 other education professionals from multiple countries to learn further about the plight and preservation of the Jewish heritage.  I am dually nervous in that I have never been to Europe and am curious as to how well I will be able to adjust to staying in a foreign country for 1 week with virtually no kn

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Getting ready for Germany!

Today is July 16th, and I will be in Berlin in one week.  I am looking forward to another fantastic learning experience with the Centropa team!  Last summer  I was hesitant to travel to Germany, and this summer I can not wait.  I am looking forward to getting to know Berlin better, as well as reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.  I am also excited about having been asked to lead the Kindertransport elective.

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My wife, Jane, and I moved to Schöningen, Germany in 1972.  At that time we had no idea that this small town was the birth place of her uncle,  William Cohen.  In fact, it was uncanny that Jane ended up teaching in the same school William graduated from. When we wrote to her aunt that we were in Schöningen, she proceded to tell us about the wonderful times she had walking with her husband "in den Elm", a beautiful forest outside of the town.

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Centropa eBook: Kurt Kotouc

Kurt Kotouc lives in a small apartment in Prague, in a pleasant neighborhood close to the city centre. Mr Kotouc is a very elegant and friendly gentleman who comes across as calm and well-read. We did the interview in a room where one wall was covered in books; the focus of many of the volumes was visual art.

To download this eBook, click below.

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Vienna Stories

This book, Vienna Stories, is Centropa's first major publication in English and, in its pages, nearly 100 elderly Jews share their snapshots, studio portraits, and wedding pictures ranging from grandfathers going off to fight for Austria-Hungary in the First World War to photos of family vacations in the 1950s and 1960s. In this book, every picture has a story. Every face has a name. Vienna Stories is not a book of 20th century history. It is a compelling, deeply personal portrait of what the 20th century did to those Viennese Jews who shared their life stories with us.

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The women who taught me everything - Interactive Film Script

The interactive film scripts combine the scripts of the Centropa Films with the links metioned in the Study Guides, thus marking various historical, cultural and geographical references.

You can use the film scripts in your class in order to understand the fulm better and help students to dig deeper in the (personal) stories by exploring history.

The film scripts are available in English and German and can be downloaded as PDF documents.

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The History of the Bulgarian Jewry - Interactive Film Script

The interactive film scripts combine the scripts of the Centropa Films with the links metioned in the Study Guides, thus marking various historical, cultural and geographical references.

You can use the film scripts in your class in order to understand the fulm better and help students to dig deeper in the (personal) stories by exploring history.

The film scripts are available in English and German and can be downloaded as PDF documents.

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