Survival in Sarajevo - Interviewing a Picture

"A picture is worth a thousand words"
In this lesson, students look carefully pictures from the Sarajevo exhibition / film; they read the captions and reflect about what they see.They take notes in a table that is provided in the .pdf below, trying to see beyond the surface, “to read between the lines” and then they use their notes to do a writing assignment of their choice: they can write a poem, a short story, etc.
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Veronika Doppelreiter

Veronika Doppelreiter

accounts [at]

Veronika Doppelreiter has been Centropa's stalwart bookkeeper since 2004 and we can barely get by a day without her. Veronika was born in Brazil and worked as a freelance bookkeeper for El Al Airlines and other companies before coming to work with us.

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Tanja Eckstein

Tanja Eckstein

Cafe Centropa Coordinator
tanja.eckstein [at]

Tanja, our chief interviewer, was born in East Germany, moved to West Germany in the 1980s and relocated to Vienna when she married. Tanja joined Centropa as an interviewer in 2002 , and since then she has conducted more than 70 interviews in Austria and another 3 in Israel. In 2006, she started our Vienna Cafe Centropa social club, which brings together our elderly interviewees once a month to enjoy a lecture, social program or a festive Jewish holiday meal. 

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Slideshow Images

Eva Deutsch exhibition


Exhibition organized by students from the National College "Iulia Hasdeu" Lugoj, Romania (January 27, 2013). Based on Eva Deutsch bio (from students from Hasdeu have created a series of drawings to tell her story.

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