Piroska Hamos: Lesson Plan on Post-War Jewish Life in Hungary

The goal of this lesson plan on "Post-War Jewish Life in Hungary" is to explore Jewish life in Hungary before WWII. Life in Hungary for Jews during period of the Holocaust, as well as the Communist era, will be covered briefly through Powerpoint presentation.  The two lessons will end with a discussion about contemporary Jewish life in Hungary through the use of lecture/discussion, and the aides of website, videos and publications from Jewish organizations in H

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Arnold Fabrikant: Eastern Europe, Jews & Thinking Outside Stereotypes

Many students leave a Modern European Jewish History class with the following assumptions: Western European Jews were enlightened and gave birth to modern Judaism and haskalah while Eastern European Jews were traditional and resistant to haskalah. The story of Eastern European Jews typically centers on those Jews who lived in the shtetlach and were confined to the Pale of settlement and are portrayed as traditionally religious and insular.

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