Beyond Boundaries

The fourth and final unit I teach each year is entitled “A Nation Divided and Rebuilt.” The content begins with the events leading up to the American Civil War, moves to the actual fighting of the war, and ends with the period of Reconstruction. Specifically, this unit highlights the economic, political and social tension that ensued between the North and South throughout the mid to late 1800s. Though the harsh realities endured during the Bosnian War occurred over one hundred years later, I push my historians to draw connections to the concepts of change and unity beyond difference.
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Meeting with Tal Gur in Prienai Public Library

Today we had an emotional and exciting meeting with Tal Gur and his parents Rachel and Mel Gur. The meeting was in Prienai Public library. Tal presented his performance "Mind Crossing" based on the real life story of his maternal grandparents. Rachel's mother and father are from Lithuania, during the Holocaust they were sent to Kaunas ghetto and then to different concentrationcamps. Despite very tragic losses they managed to reunate and start their family life anew in the state of Israel.

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This lesson plan is based on Centropa's El Otro Camino film. The lesson is designed for Hungarian students, who usually have minimal knowledge about the Sephardic Jewry.

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Three promises - Belgrade July 2017

I am very grateful for being given the opportunity to meet a live part of microhistory depicted through Centropa's film: "Three promises", that I used in my school project last year.

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The Dash in Between

As we walked through the Jewish cemetery, is a very moving and powerful thing. As a group, we saw graves that were small and understated and others that were large and prominent that showed the person's wealth and social standing in the community. What was most curious to me was not the birth and death dates but the dash in between. 

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Walking tour of Kalef's Belgrade

Yesterday tour of Jewish Belgrade was inspiring and emotional. The most emotional part was site of Gospodar Jovanova where Kalef's lived and where their family met their tragic faith.

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