Holocaust and Human Rights

The subject: "Learning about the Holocaust and Human Rights" was selected as part of a school activity program and particularly as  part of the lesson, "The Joy of Reading", it was approached interdisciplinary and disseminated in all subjects. The basic purpose is to talk, discuss and learn about the holocaust and human rights and how they should be considered inviolable and respected by all the people.

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Analyzing a Centropa Film

Students watch films all the time.  But do they think about how a good story is told through film?  To get your students to think about how filmmakers tell stories through film, they will watch one Centropa film several times, each time analyzing a different aspect of its construction: story, structure and film techniques.  Centropa films are perfect for this activity – they are engaging, short and use creative methods to tell stories through narrative, images and sound.

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"20th Century Europe, as seen from Palestine-Israel"

Students will learn about historical events that took place in Europe in the 20th century, and see how those events were covered by newspapers in mandatory Palestine and (after 1948) Israel. After that, the students will interview one or more family members/friends who were alive at the time of the events. The students' findings will be presented in a paper and a video.

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Lessons learnt

Holocaust Education in Serbia. A PowerPoint presented by Biljana Stojanović of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development in Serbia during the Centropa Balkans Seminar in Zagreb, 26.02.2017

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The „Glimmers in the Night of the Holocaust” Project

For the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 of January) and the victims of the Pogrom of Bucharest (21-23 January 1941), the students of class XI E from the National College „Iulia Hasdeu” Lugoj have participated in January 2017 in the project entitled „Glimmers in the Night of the Holocaust”. The students involved in this project have engraved, by cropping, a series of notions and terms related to the Holocaust on cardboard cylinders.

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The „Glimmers in the Night of the Holocaust” Project

For the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 of January) and the victims of the Pogrom of Bucharest (21-23 January 1941), the students of class XI E from the National College „Iulia Hasdeu” Lugoj have participated in January 2017 in the project entitled „Glimmers in the Night of the Holocaust”. The students involved in this project have engraved, by cropping, a series of notions and terms related to the Holocaust on cardboard cylinders.

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The „Glimmers in the Night of the Holocaust” Project

For the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 of January) and the victims of the Pogrom of Bucharest (21-23 January 1941), the students of class XI E from the National College „Iulia Hasdeu” Lugoj have participated in January 2017 in the project entitled „Glimmers in the Night of the Holocaust”. The students involved in this project have engraved, by cropping, a series of notions and terms related to the Holocaust on cardboard cylinders.

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The Students of National College "Iulia Hasdeu" Lugoj have commemorated the Holocaust

On the 9th of October, Romania celebrates the Holocaust Memorial day. On this occasion, as a result of an old collaboration, the students of the Nartional College "Iulia Hasdeu" Lugoj, alongside the coordinating teacher Horațiu Suciu, have joined the Jewish community at the ceremony organised at the Synagogue in Lugoj on the 10th of October 2016. During the course of the event, the Jewish community leader, Mr. Ivan Bloch, spoke to the students about the Holocaust, and the traditions and life style of the Jewish community within Lugoj.

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