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LIZ: Tsimmes is a sweet Ashkenazi stew in which the ingredients vary depending on family origin and tradition. The dish is often eaten during the Jewish High Holidays to symbolically usher in a sweet new year. This sweet-and-savory chicken tsimmes is an easy dish with a built-in side. The juices of the chicken enhance the flavors of the carrots and prunes. It’s filling when paired with rice or kasha, and it’s colorful and complex enough to serve for the holidays.


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Reclaiming Ashkenazi Cuisine: The Gefilte Manifesto

My grandpa Jake was a gifted storyteller in the spinner-of-tall-tales manner. So when he described the one time he ate ice cream as a boy—far superior to any frozen dessert you could buy in our huge suburban supermarket and so memorable he hadn't forgotten it in fifty years—I was, of course, skeptical.

After all, he also said the weather in the Old Country was better too—never that cold because it was remarkably “dry.” And we’re talking Minsk, Belarus.

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The Last Witnesses

On Wednesday, the 14th of September, I went to meet Lucia Heilman at the Tel-Aviv cinematheque,  as we had decided at our meeting this last summer in Vienna.

When I could not see Lucia at the cinematheque,  I started worrying  about her. Then I met Lucia's daughter, who informed me that her mother had indeed bought a ticket to Tel-Aviv, but two weeks ago she didn't feel good, so her doctor forbade her to fly.  She also told me that her mother felt better at the moment.

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The Last Witnesses

On Wednesday, the 14th of September, I went to meet Lucia Heilman at the Tel-Aviv cinematheque,  as we had decided at our meeting this last summer in Vienna.

When I could not see Lucia at the cinematheque,  I started worrying  about her. Then I met Lucia's daughter, who informed me that her mother had indeed bought a ticket to Tel-Aviv, but two weeks ago she didn't feel good, so her doctor forbade her to fly.  She also told me that her mother felt better at the moment.

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"The Last Survivor"

A most exciting event for me was  the meeting with the senior citizens in Vienna.

I saw Kitty and   Suschny in the room and I was glad that I could know them in person. After all , I saw  the movie....and   theirs seemed to me the most beautiful love story during the Holocaust. But then, our group split into two smaller groups, and I was not in the same group with the Suschny couple 

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Balkan Requiem

What day is today, what date?Not sure...After CSA 2016, after connecting past and present...I just want to share with you one magnificent pic of art...Yes, the language could be barrier, but we had a big screen with a Serbian title. More then 40 of my students, age 17 - 18, watched this performance. One of Germans` actors was a solder at Berlin Wall...

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Old History - New History

So - it was an interesting day today.

Watching "Survival in Sarajevo" with some new friends and listening panel disscusion, where reporters, politician and a lawyer are talking about Balkan, war, standing up for what you belive and - yes - what is the one and only version of what happend. For me, and my fellow regional teachers - it is always the same story and we know what it is about to happen.

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Sunday in Berlin

Today we visited Soviet War Memorial. Powerful and painful at a time... For me as Lithuanian it brought bias feelings - I admit the singnificance of the end of the WWII and on the other hand it was rather unpleasant to read Stalin's quotes about the liberation of the Baltic countries as we know the price of it very well.
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Today it was a special day in Berlin. First of all we had free time to enjoy ourselves! I personally visited the Pergamon museum, Bradenborg's gate, the Cathedral and walked around in the Museum Quarter as well as Alexander Platz and Babel Platz.

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CSA 2016 - Day 5

I was supposed to write a blog on the second day of the CSA 2016 but because of some technical problems, I’ll give my impression of the fifth day.Amazing and day full of emotions started with our trip to Terezin, former Terezinstadt Ghetto. Although there were no extermination camps in former Czechoslovakia, Jews from this occupied country mostly ended up in extermination camps in Poland. We had a chance to visit the town, the museum, crematorium and a memorial dedicated to victims from the Terezinstadt Ghetto.
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