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Day 2 - #CSA

Tuesday - 05.07.

What a day!

What impressed me the most is when Philipp Blom talked about moral crisis. He talked about moral crisis in the past but I couldn't help myself not to think about nowadays. Are we dealing and witness moral crisis right now? What did we learn from the past? Anything or nothing? Kind a deep conversation I had in my mind... 

#CSA2016 - what should I tell my kids? Why we haven't learned a lot from our past?

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Day 2

Saw an informative video documentary by Morley Safer explaining how the Jews and the Austro-Hungarian Empire flourished under Franz Josef.

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Day 1 - #CSA2016

Monday - 04.07.

Oh my! So many great people, dear friends, new teachers - I'm just so happy and excited! :)

For me, first day was marked one question Lauren has asked.

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My first CSA

I just want to express some emotions and feelings after the first day of CSA2016: surprised, excited, overwhelmed by the agenda of the next days.

Very interesting and varied people but all with the similar goals: to improve our teaching methods, teach respect and tolerance and give the Holocaust the role of unique event in the history of mankind.

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Hello Vienna!

Sunday - 03.07.

Fly me to the moon... One of my favourite songs ever! That's the sign that I will hit the road again. I'm saying goodbye to my parents and looking forward to my new and old friends in the CSA 2016.

Vienna is rainy but still very beautiful and special. Passing by Belvedere Museum, walking to the hotel, laughing for myself because i've been here two years ago and I have a lot of nice memories... :)

#CSA2016 - so happy to be able to be a part of such a great event!

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On my way to CSA 2016

Saturday - 02.07.

Euro is still on, Germany has won - what a game! I was thinking about my friend Fabian and happy he will be! Of course, it was the right time to think what to pack because I have to be ready for 10 days of adventure called Centropa Summer Academy. What does that mean? It means 10 days of walking and sightseeing, talking to other teachers, watching films, exchange experiences and much more...

Vienna, Prague and Berlin - three beautiful cities! What more I could ask? Maybe nice weather...? :)

#CSA2016 - here I come!

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First Day Of CSA 2016 -Vienna

Today we started the CSA 2016 in Vienna. We met after a long night, but it was great and most of all- inspiring.

I would like to share one activity we were given as an ice breaker.

We were given a worksheet that enforced us to meet people outside our comfort zone!

There were nine very short ativities such as "Find someone from another country ask his name,country and get his signature

Then 'get a selfie with another teacher.. etc.

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