
Tárlatvezető-képzés diákoknak

A diákok számára hatalmas élmény, amikor tárlatvezetővé válnak: nem egyszerűen megtekintik a kiállítást, hanem végigkalauzolják az osztálytársaikat rajta, kiemelve a számukra fontos történeteket, érdekességeket, eközben pedig maguk is megismerik a 20. századi történelem egy fontos szeletét, és előadói készségük is fejlődik.

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Federal Ministry of Finance


Pamjat is Centropa’s education program on 20th century Jewish history in Belarus & Russia.
From 2002-2009 Centropa interviewed 117 elderly Jews In Russia and Belarus,  and asked them to share their family stories of the entire 20th century. Together with more than 1700 family photos, these personal memories give a unique insight into Jewish life.  

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"And I never saw them again." -- Stories of the Kindertransport

In January, 2019, Centropa interviewed twelve Kindertransport refugees living in London. Born in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia, their parents took them to their local train stations in 1938 and '39, promised to follow soon, and watched as their children left for England, and safety. Most of these "Kinder," now in their 90's, never saw their parents again. Special thanks to The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany and The Association of Jewish Refugees

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