Larisa Radomyselskaya’s daughter Irina Radomyselskaya with her son Igor Radomyselski

Larisa Radomyselskaya’s daughter Irina Radomyselskaya with her son Igor Radomyselski

This is my older daughter Irina Radomyselskaya and her son Igor, my only grandson. This photo was taken in Teatralna Square in Uzhhorod, Ukraine, in 1998.

After finishing school my older daughter Irina entered the Faculty of Mathematic of Uzhhorod University. Irina was a good student. She was number three on the list of best students of her faculty. Irina got a job assignment and went to work as a teacher of physics at school in Artyomovsk town in the east of Ukraine in Donetsk region [665 km from Kiev]. Irina was the only teacher of physics in this school and she also taught physics at the extramural department of the Pedagogical College in Artyomovsk. Irina lived in a hostel. Other people were friendly toward her. She didn't face any anti-Semitism. The only thing that made her sad was that she didn't have a good place to live. Because of this Irina returned to Uzhhorod in 1983. Irina couldn't find work at school and went to work as an engineer at the Uzhhorodpribor plant.

My older daughter Irina only wanted to marry a Jewish man. I supported her in this: I was terrified to think that my daughter could hear the word 'zhydovka' from a non-Jewish husband one day. She has typical Semitic looks. However, Irina couldn't find a Jewish husband. At some point of time Irina decided to have a baby without a husband. In 1988 my grandson Igor was born. I don't know who his father was. My daughter never spoke to me about him. When she went to work in Hesed she finally got a Jewish surrounding. Irina tells me 'If only I had this when I was young…'. Anyway, Igor has become a big joy for us. He is a nice boy and we raise him together. He is a very talented boy. He studies well in a special school with advanced learning of English. Igor finished a music school in playing the flute. My grandson has played 3 years in the ensemble of old music in Hesed and we are very happy about it. He reads a lot and is fond of computer. He has Jewish friends for the most part. Igor is eager to go to Israel and we are very concerned about his future.

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