Marim and Iacob Haller on excursion

Marim and Iacob Haller on excursion

This is I, Marim Haller - lying on the ground, on the right with my husband, Iacob Haller behind me, the one on the left - in Sinaia, but I don't know what year it was. I no longer remember who the other 2 persons are.

My husband, Iacob Haller, was recommended to me by David Kesler, my cousin in Dorohoi. My husband was a teacher in Dorohoi, and my cousin knew him well. My cousin came with him to our house in Botosani. I went out with him for a walk, and [on returning] when he entered the house, he said: 'We are engaged.' And actually it wasn't long afterwards that we got married. We saw and liked each other. At first sight. We knew details about each other beforehand from this cousin of mine. I knew what he did for a living, what sort of person he was, how he conducted himself. Mother was very fond of him.

We got married in 1946. When I was married and was on holiday, I used to go on vacation every year, at spas, at a resort or other, we used to go on organized trips. I used to go everywhere with my husband. We traveled to Cernauti, Chisinau, Leningrad, Moscow, Warsaw, Berlin.

I've been to Israel around 3 times. But I traveled there without my husband, for he had died. I don't remember in what years I traveled there. I've been to Jerusalem, Haifa. After that, I visited all the places on a trip. I've also been to the Dead Sea. I was thrilled by what I was seeing there. A beautiful country, a country built by means of hard work. Why, it was in the process of being built, it was just beginning, but still, beautiful things. Much has been done there. I always saw something new every time I traveled there. People worked there. A beautiful country, but it was surrounded by enemies. That's how it was.

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