Rosa Kolevska with a cousin

Rosa Kolevska with a cousin

This picture was taken in Sofia in 2000. This is me with a cousin of mine (second from left); he is my father David Cohen youngest brother's son, who used to be an ambassador here. I don?t know who the other man on this picture is. The changes in 1989, the fall of communism in Bulgaria, affected me financially. All prices rose and it became very difficult to get supplies of any kind of products. The situation was just like the one right before 9th September 1944. I visit the 'Health' club at the Jewish community center, as well as the 'Ladino' club and the 'Golden Age' club. Last year I went to the 'Health' club as well, but I couldn't visit it on a regular basis as my granddaughter often fell sick and I was looking after her. I don't go for lunch to the Jewish community center like many of the elderly people do, as I pick up Stefan from school. All in all, I have both obligations and amusements. During the summer I hesitated a lot whether to go on an excursion to Bankya [a resort near Sofia], which was organized for us, but I finally decided against it. I'm an elderly person, I have certain habits, and I would be disturbed if they were to be broken. I know it would have been nice, but that was my decision. I cannot say that I have many friends in the Jewish community center -I rather have acquaintances, a cousin and a colleague, Reni Lidji, but they have been there for a very long time already, and it feels like there is a certain distance. But perhaps I'm only imaging this. Nevertheless, I like going there. I like traveling abroad also, and especially so to Israel. I have a cousin in Spain and I visited him there. It was wonderful! Before we got divorced my husband and I traveled to France, and after that I went there by myself
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