Roza Levenberg's mother, Mariam Berdichevskaya Levenberg, and her aunt and uncle Hanna Berdichevskaya Shteyn and Leonid Shteyn

Roza Levenberg's mother, Mariam Berdichevskaya Levenberg, and her aunt and uncle Hanna Berdichevskaya Shteyn and Leonid Shteyn

This is a picture of my mother Mariam Berdichevskaya Levenberg (seated, at center), her sister Hanna and Hanna's husband, Leonid Shteyn. Mamma's had three older sisters. Hanna was born in 1890. Hanna, was born in 1890. She made a marriage of convenience with a much older personnamed Leonid Shteyn. When they got married he was supervisor at a landlord's estate. After the Revolution he worked as a night guard. Hanna had one son. He was on the front during World War II. He returned from the front with tuberculosis and died soon. Hanna died not long after him.
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