Zsuzsa Kobstein

Zsuzsa Kobstein

This is me with my husband's motorcycle. My husband, Odon Kobstein, was a mechanic and he put together this machine from pieces. He loved it dearly and took me on trips on it. We went to Vienna twice on this machine, in 1957 and 1959, to visit his brother. Before the war my dear husband worked with his father who was also a mechanic in their mechanics shop in Sopron. They moved to Budapest in the late 1930s. My husband was in forced labor during part of the war. After the liberation he set up his own little workshop and I helped him in the shop. It was never nationalized because it was small and we had no employees. My husband repaired only three things: motorbikes, bicycles and sewing machines. At first I wanted to go back to dressmaking but he asked me to stay and help in the shop. So I was there all day and I used to sew and when people came in they asked me if I would make clothes for them as well. But I told them that I only sew for my husband.
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