Túlélés Szarajevóban - Barátság háború idején

Mikor 1992-ben Szarajevót elérte a háború, holokauszt túlélők és leszármazottaik egy kis csoportja humanitárius segélyszervezetté alakította a város utolsó működő zsinagógáját, ahol zsidók és muszlimok, szerbek és horvátok közösen dolgoztak: közel négy éven át adtak ételt, gyógyszert és reményt mindenkinek, akinek szüksége volt rá.
A La Benevolencijában diákok, tanárok, orvosok, buszsofőrök, gondnokok és rendőrök egyaránt dolgoztak. Senki sem volt képzett szociális munkás. Egyszerű emberek voltak, barátok, akik segítettek a barátaikon. Úgy érezzük, ezt a történetet el kell meséljük Magyarországon is!

Lesson plans for this film

25 találat
Cím / Tantárgy Évfolyam Dokumentumok

Beyond Boundaries

Civic activism
The fourth and final unit I teach each year is entitled “A Nation Divided and Rebuilt.” The content begins with the events leading up to the American Civil War, moves...

How I used Survival in Sarajevo in a Greek school


A cross-cultural project on how to use the story of La Benevolencija, and the film "Survival in Sarajevo" in Greek and Serbian schools.


Überleben in Sarajewo


Im Fokus dieses Planes stehen der  Film und eine Ausstellung mit dem Titel „Survival in Sarajevo – Friendship in a times of war“.

Diese Planung Tag besteht aus vier Einheiten...


Survival in Sarajevo - Interviewing a Picture

"A picture is worth a thousand words"
In this lesson, students look carefully pictures from the Sarajevo exhibition / film; they read the captions and reflect about what they...

Begleitheft für Centropas Sarajewo Ausstellung

other projects

In diesem Begleitheft zu Centropas Sarajewo Ausstellung finden SchülerInnen

a) Arbeitsimpulse und Leitfragen zu den einzelnen Panels,

b) ein Glossar mit Erklärungen zu schwierigen Begriffen, die in der Ausstellung vorkommen.

Why is a civic society important?

Civic activism
10, 11, 12

La Benevolencija: Reaching Out to Welcome In

11, 12

American Civil Rights Movement and Sarajevo

Civic activism
Students build a more complex and deeper understanding about the Civil Rights’ Movement as well as the activists and their non-compliance/non-violence approach to halt the laws and people in positions...
10, 11, 12

Сарајево – мултиетнички и интеркултурални град


ЦИЉ ТЕМЕ: Упознавање ученика са географским положајем Сарајева и структуром становништва у прошлости и сада ради развијања интеркултуралних односа (дијалога) и проактивног става у борби против стереотипа и предрасуда, уважавања...


Righteous Remembrances


This 2015 Milton Wolf Prize winning lesson stresses the importance of individual responsibility and accountability in the face of difficult choices.  Students will learn about individuals during the Holocaust who...


Civil Society - Whose Job is it to Guarantee We All Live in One?


This 2015 Milton Wolf Prize winning lesson is designed to introduce students to the UN Declaration of Human Rights and to help them realize the need for individual civic responsibility...


Sarajevo Project for Jewish Day School Communities


The Bosnian-Serb siege of Sarajevo, from spring 1993 until winter 1996, was the longest in modern history. With electricity, water and food supplies cut off and only sporadically supplied, with...


When citizens take action in times of crisis

Civic activism

 A lesson plan and Project for 9th grade Civic Studies, inspired by the Centropa film: "Survival in Sarajevo"    


Survival in Sarajevo —— La Benevolencija


Course lesson taught in: when filling in for absent colleagues  (happening with high frequency —after all it’s Italy

This lesson plan can be adapted to nearly every context and...


Postcards to Sarajevo


We began this lesson by watching Centropa’s film, Survival in Sarajevo, and walking through the traveling exhibition of the same name, which we brought to our school. Each...


Personal Choice and Community Dynamics


In this 2015 Milton Wolf Prize winning lesson, students examine the extent to which individual choices shape community dynamics. By watching Survival in Sarajevo, examining images, engaging in group...


Együtt könnyebb

History, osztályfőnöki óra, etika, hit- és erkölcstan

A Centropa Túlélés Szarajevóban című kisfilmjéhez készült 2x45 perces osztályfőnöki/történelem/etika órára tervezett foglalkozás. Az óra elősegíti a csoportban való együttműködést, más kultúrák megismerését és érzékenyíti a diákokat, hogy elfogadóbbak legyenek...

9, 10, 11, 12

Interviewing a Picture


Using Edward Serotta's photographs from the synagogue in Sarajevo during the Bosnian war of the 1990s, students will study several pictures carefully, answer questions and use what they learn in...

Let All Who are Hungry Come and Eat


In these two back-to-back lessons, students will explore Jewish values, Jewish identity, and the question of how to balance their ethnic/religious identities with being a citizen of the world.  Students...

Survival in Sarajevo: Lessons in Civic Values

Civic activism

In these two back-to-back lessons, students will watch Survival in Sarajevo: Friendship in a Time of War - a story about a small group of Holocaust survivors and their children...

Let All Who are Hungry Come and Eat


Using Centropa's film, Survival in Sarajevo: Friendship in a Time of War - the story of a small group of Holocaust survivors and their children working with their Christian...

Roots in Spain, Trees in Sarajevo


This lesson aims to enlighten students about Sephardic history in the Balkans, and was originally taught in the context of a Jewish day school in the United States.  The Jews...


Survival in Sarajevo: cross-cultural tolerance


Using "Survival in Sarajevo" to discuss cross-cultural tolerance. Developed and tested in a school in Nahariya, Israel.


Survival in Sarajevo: Cooperation and Conflict


Survival in Sarajevo: Cooperation and Conflict: The History of Southeast Europe, Yugoslavia and the Arab-Israeli Conflict.


Divided by Faith, United by War: Teaching the citizens of the future using the lessons of the past

Civic activism

The Bosnian War (1992-1995) as a tool in History, Civic Education & Social Studies Lessons.