Teacher blog

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Susan Cohn Centrpa blog #2

  Today was a wonderful day of learning and seeing.  On a Berlin walking tour this morning we were guided by Centropa educator Frank Grellert to a number of important sites including the site of the first synagogue in Berlin, built in1714 (destroyed during WW II) and the address of the first woman rabbi, Regina Jones, to be ordained.  Later in the day we reviewed Centropa films and shared with each other about how they can be used in our classrooms.
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Kalefs at Cervantes

Cervantes Institute hosted us today, and among other happenings the Kalef film "Three Promises" was screened. Our teams have come up with some amazing ideas for lesson plans, and what I liked the most was that they were mainly for civihout  studies, touching the theme of HELPing others witout any personal gain and at great personal risk (we could possibly connect it to Beautiful Souls). This is going to bring new light to the projects at my school, since we mostly use it in history lessons.


If you are scared SING

Today 26 of July we had day dedicated to Sephardic Jews.  We watch great Centropa  film, Three promises,  about Kalef sisters, many things we hear about this  film and I  am still stuck  on my changing identity theme, thinking about this, on, and one.

When kid is scared from the dark parents give this wonderful advice SING!

When darkness surround humanity two sister get this powerful advice from father Tompai SING!

Music  is magical thing. Music collects emotions, life.

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Rosenstrasse Protest

Block der Frauen – Rosenstraβe Protest

We visited the Rosenstraβe monument, Block der Frauen” , in front of the Instituto Cervantes.  This monument was dedicated in 1995 .  Created by Ingeborg Hunziger.

On the evening of the 27th February,1943. a crowd formed in front of the building  in the Rosenstraβe protesting the evacuation of Jewish men to prison camps. This crowd was mainly composed of women and families of the detainees. 


Thursday in Berlin

As each day flies by here in Berlin I am meeting more and more educators with the same passion I have of the study of the Holocaust.

 I am planning on working with the Serbian teachers when I get Back to Florida.  Another great day but tiring in Berlin.   Planning to read the book Ghosts of the Balkans.


Rosenstrasse Protest Memorial/The Old Synagogue

Today was another great day!   I was especially moved by the Rosenstrasse Protest Memorial.  It remembers the women's uprising against the Nazi's when their Jewish husband's were taken away just because they were Jewish.  Women stayed in the park for 8 days, and finally the Nazi's sent a special transport to bring their Jewish husband's back to Berlin.  (The women were not Jewish).  Although the men were eventually arrested and taken away again, they were not sent to death camps and all did survive.

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3. No souls today

no souls today, just stones,
no face, no skin, no tears,
no angry words, no silence,
no morning, no smile,
no night, no thoughts,
not me today, just ...


Project Living Proof

Here is the link to the wiki page that depicts the cooperation of 4 schools in Belgrade with a school in Detroit. I think Mike and I failed to mention the name of the project is symbolically LIVING PROOF:

