Teacher blog

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The Box of Knowledge Project

In January 2016, the students of class XI E from the National College "Iulia Hasdeu" in Lugoj took part in the Box of Knowledge project. This project was implemented with the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Within this project, the students of class XI E had to create a cardboard box inside of which they had to glue pictures taken from the Auschwitz Album, the inner part of the lid containing the words "International Holocaust Remembrance Day". The outer part of the lid had "the 27 of January" written on it.

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Cholent 2




sweet paprika
pearl barley (gershli)
large white beans
smoked goose breast(Adam orders from a poultry specialist who smokes his own and delivers them once each week when chulent is on the menu)
goose fat/grease/drippings

In a heavy cast iron post, mix the beans together with salt, pepper, sweet paprika and goose fat, then cover and leave for an hour at room temperature.

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After 10 years. Keeping the memory alive

Between 12 to 13 November 2015, National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust from Romania and the US Embassy Bucharest organized, in Bucharest, the roundtable ”After 10 years. Keeping the memory alive”. At this meeting, held under the patronage of the Romanian Government, participated twenty teachers from across the country. They presented their experiences on teaching the Holocaust in their schools.

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Presenting CSA 2015 at school

Hello, my dear CSA friends,

Today is September 23 - Holocaust Memorial day in Lithuania. I've had an opportunity to present Centropa's workshop in Poland to the school community and to share my newly gained knowledge about the old, rich and sad history of Lithuanian Jewry.

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what I get out of the Centropa seminars

The following 2 slides I prepared during the Centropa teacher seminar in Berlin in spring 2015 when asked to explain to my fellow teachers what I get out of the Centropa seminars .


Suggestions for a new project


Every student has to choose a poet who lived the Shoa and wrote about it. He has to learn his biography and then go to the Centropa website to look for a biografy of a " common person " who had been living in the same place during the same period . Studying those 2 biografies the student should imagine those two living in the same social and cultural environment and like this the student will get a different and broader understanding about the time and place which shaped the poet and the " common person " .
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Matzoh Brie with Prunes and Wine, Scrambled-Egg Style

The women in Cara De Silva's remarkable book, In Memory’s Kitchen: a memoir of life in Terezin, written in recipes," transcended their hunger by “cooking with the mouth”--talking constantly about food--and writing cookbooks. It was not the only cookbook to come out of the concentration camps. According to De Silva, there are five more that she knows of, and certainly others exist. She described one of these manuscripts, authored by Malka Zimmet, an inmate in a work subcamp of Mauthausen.
