Porodica Kalef je jedna od najstarijih u Beogradu, u kome žive više od 300 godina. Onda Nacisti 1941. ulaze u Srbiju...
Dok su na desetine njenih rođaka streljani ili odvođeni u gasne komore, Dona Bat Kalef sa svoje dve kćeri, Bredom i Matildom, beži u katoličku crkvu na Banovom brdu. „Možete li nas zaštititi?,“ upitala je sveštenika. Župnik Andrej Tumpej je zaista spasao Donu i njene kćeri, a ovaj film predstavlja priču o njima.
Study Guides
The destruction of Serbia's Jewry was carried out in two distinct phases. The first lasted from July to November 1941 and involved the mass internment and murder of Jewish men, who were shot as part of retaliatory executions. The second phase, between December 1941 and May 1942, included the incarceration of women and children in the Semlin Judenlager and their gassing in mobile gas vans. Read an article about the Holocaust in Serbia.
Father Andrej Tumpej (1886-1973), who saved the life of Matilda and Breda, was a priest in St. Cyril and St. Methodius parish in Banovo Brdo in Belgrade from 1941 to 1945. He is one of the six Slovenian "Righteous among Nations" or „Righteous Gentiles“ as they’re also called.