Using the Kalef film in Slovenian schools

 I decided to use film Three promises, as it involves Slovene people. I focused more on the life story of Breda and Matilda, not so much on the Holocaust. 

The teaching material is prepared in Slovenian for Slovenian teachers, who can use it in 1 school hour or they can take only some parts of working sheet. I also oriented more on developing some skills rather than historical facts.

The school hour would look like this:

1. students watch film, during the film they fulfill family tree of family Kalef.

2. students work in pairs - answering some questions about three promises (who gave it to whom, what is in common,...)

3. students answer questions about holocaust and genocide.

4. In conversation with teacher, they do chart about righteous among nations

5. By using pictures they analyze how is that picture connected to family Kalef and they put them on time line (before war, during war, after war).