Alfred Borowicz and his relatives
This is a picture of my family, taken in 1946 in Miedzyzdroje, where we were on holidays. There are from left: Lusia, a friend of my sister Irena Beczkowska (nee Horowitz), my wife Janina Borowicz (nee Bargiel), my father, Mojzesz Horowitz, Zosia, my niece, my sister Irena Pamm (nee Horowitz), Ania, my niece, my brother-in-law Zygmunt Beczkowski and me.
A terrible family tragedy took place. My brother-in-law lived in Warsaw with his daughters, Zosia and Ania. He developed an intestine tumor; the thing went on for two years. He suffered terribly, everything at home went bust. My sister Irena cared for him all the time. Fortunately, Jadzia, their nanny from before the war, and her daughter, were there to help. Jadzia took care of the girls, and Irka cared for her husband. Then he was admitted into a private hospital on Aleje Jerozolimskie. His condition was serious and he died in 1952. His name was Rudolf Probst but we called him Zygmunt Beczkowski, the name he had adopted during the war and didn't change afterwards.
Following her husband's death Irka became depressed and died within four months. In that situation I had to stay in Warsaw and take care of her children, and we didn't have any place to live. They had an apartment, two small rooms on Marszalkowska Street, we moved in there and lived there, the three of us and four of them, a total of seven, plus my wife's sister who was studying in Warsaw. Later we moved to Warynskiego Street.