Bessy Aharoni and Lilly Drill at a Purim celebration in the Jewish kindergarten in Berlin

Here you can see my daughters, Bessy Aharoni [nee Weisz] and Lilly Drill [nee Weisz] during a Purim celebration in the Jewish kindergarten in Berlin. The photo was taken in 1936. Bessy was born on 10th December 1929 and Lilly on 6th May 1933. My daughters went to the Jewish kindergarten on Gipsstrasse. There was a Jewish elementary school on Auguststrasse. The director of the Jewish elementary school had been one of my class teachers at the Jewish high school. When I took my daughter Bessy to her, she said, 'What, you're already bring me your daughter?' You see, we four sisters were in that same school. That's something you don't forget so easily.

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