Erna Goldstein and her husband Heinz-Werner in Israel

This is a picture of my sister Erna Goldstein, nee Braw, with her husband Heinz-Werner and their dog. The picture was taken in Haifa in the 1940s. In Berlin there was a Jewish club called Nordau. Erna met her future husband, Heinz-Werner Goldstein, in this club. He was so proud of his 'Germanness.' We would permanently hear: 'Back at home?' Even when he lived in Israel, he still compared everything. 'Back at home it was like this?' We even started to jokingly call him 'Back at home.' He wanted to attend the High School for Politics, but then Hitler came to power and he couldn't. So he went to France in order to get a certificate. He worked in the vineyards there. So Erna went to Palestine with Heinz-Werner, but he couldn't get a job and ended up delivering newspapers. My sister worked as a cleaning lady, and later she ran a kindergarten in their apartment. He did any work he could get. They had two children, Aliza and David. After Heinz-Werner's death my sister sold her apartment in Haifa. Her daughter and son-in-law contributed some money and bought her an apartment in Raanana, so they could be together every day. She only had to go across the street to see them. And they furnished her apartment in Raanana exactly like her old one in Haifa, so she wouldn't miss anything.

Photos from this interviewee